Wilson lake, Kansas Fishing Report

Wilson Trip

First trip of the year to wilson resorvoir for me was on Easter sunday. An old friend and I went out to do some fishing. It was a beautiful morning out, a little cool with light wind but warmed up nicely during the day. We got to the lake and went to the baitshop to pick up ice and lures so i talked to the baitshop manager about where the fish might be and what they were biting on, she told me several places and so we launched the boat and headed over to hell creek to fish. we got where we wanted to be and started casting bucktail jigs. It wasn't even 10 minutes in when i hooked my first striper, It was a 3.5 pound striper. about another 10 minutes went by and i had another striper in the boat, it was about 4 pounds. well believe it or not it was about another 10 minutes and i had another striper on the line, It was a 6 pound fish. well as the day went i a managed to pull in 12 striper and 2 spotted bass, and 2 largemouth bass. while all this was going on though i felt real bad catching all these fish because my friend had not caught a fish. we tried everything we could to get him to catch a fish, but he was using the same bait as me but with no luck, we then tried many other baits for him and different techniques and i even gave him my pole to use but still he could not pull in a fish. Well after doing all that and talking about it we determined that it must have been something on him to repel the fish. he did wash his truck that morning and used armorall and so maybe that had something to do with it. well by now it was getting late in the day so we loaded up the boat and went home.

  • Added By: rod on 04/01/13 09:47 PM
  • Location: Wilson lake, Kansas
  • Report Date: 3/31/2013
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 1
  • # of Fish Caught: 16
  • Learn more about Wilson lake, Kansas fishing in our fishing message boards

Report Photos

... rod posted in KS

Report Catches

striper Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 16
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Striped Bass Hybrid
  • Bait Type: Marabou / Bucktail Jig Check Prices
  • Bait Details: dragging bucktail jigs through the moss in about 3.5 feet of water, with a very slow retrieve

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